How do I schedule an interview?

How do I schedule an interview ?
There are multiple options possible to plan your interview.

Option 1

  • The company suggests three dates and times for an interview. You will be informed, and you can suggest those dates to your candidate.
  • The company will be notified via email when you choose the time and date.

Option 2

  • The company suggests three dates and times for an interview. You will be informed, and you can suggest those dates to your candidate.
  • You can send new suggested times and dates if the timeslots don't work for the candidate (see below how to propose a new date).
  • The company can confirm a date and time.

Option 3

  • If the time and date is already discussed, you can just set the right interview time, and the company can confirm it.

→ Go to ‘Candidates’.
→ Click at ‘You should have taken action’ on the candidate card.

→ A new screen will appear.
→ Click ‘set interview’ ​
→ Click ‘ok’ when you want to propose a new interview time.

→ Set a date